Documentary Photos by Friedrich Reg

IMG0030.jpgInitiation Ceremony with Master Hsing Yun, Berlin840 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0031.jpgFestive Inauguration of Buddha House Allgaeu, Southern Germany1073 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0032.jpgLotus Flowers at the Birthday Ayya Khema 1993836 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0033.jpgBhikku Nyanabodhi ordained in Bavaria882 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0034.jpgNyanatiloka Maha Thera Buddhist Teacher from Germany969 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0035.jpgTombstone of Nyanatiloka Maha Thera, Polgasduwa, Sri Lanka1067 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0036.jpgBhikkhu Nyanasanta Island Hermitage, Sri Lanka995 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0037.jpgNyanaponika Maha Thera Forest Hermitage 1991 Kandy, Sri Lanka1315 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0038.jpgEating Ceremony of the Forest Monks, Thailand842 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community

IMG0039.jpgMonks in Thailand814 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community