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ananda1.pdfBuddha's Constant Companion - Ven. Ananda2257 viewsby Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
In this life of the Buddha's personal attendant, Venerable Ananda, we see that in his character and outlook, Ananda was touchingly and movingly human. This was partly because of his simple and charming behaviour, and his ever-present readiness to help anyone who was in distress or difficulty. In spite of his administrative and organisational responsibilities as the Buddha's attendant, Ananda displayed a deep intellectuality and a profound grasp of abstruse philosophic concepts.

Between_The_Lines_Vol2_By_Sylvia_Bay_2015.pdfBetween The Lines (Volume 2) An analytical appreciation of the Buddha's Life 3219 viewsThis book seeks to bring the historical Buddha back into the popular psyche. That story is as intriguing, and is perhaps even more inspiring than the best fantasy story that had ever been woven.

Between_The_Lines_Vol__1.pdfBetween The Lines (Volume 1) An analytical appreciation of the Buddha's Life 3040 views"Some 2500 years ago in ancient Northeast India, a young, brilliant and courageous man discovered the sublime answer to how the mind works and how to realise unconditioned happiness and bliss. For the next 45 years, he devoted his life to teaching the doctrine that helped bring unparalleled happiness, peace and relief to numerous people long after his death. In time stories began to emerge proclaiming his greatness and his near-divinity status. Over generations and into distant lands, those stories took on a life of their own. Eventually the real man is buried under a mountain of beautiful fantasies and magical tales. Scholars in Buddhist studies have never lost sight of the historical Buddha. There is a beautiful story to tell about the real man but the materials never quite made it to the mass market because academic books are generally hard to read and appreciate.

fundbud1.pdfFundamentals of Buddhism7542 viewsThe basic teachings outlined here include: the Life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Karma, Rebirth, Dependent Origination, The Three Universal Characteristics and The Five Aggregates. Dr Santina also puts Buddhism into its context by describing the pre-Buddhist background and gives an overview of Buddhism from a modern perspective in a very readable way.