Teachings of Ven. Dr Sri Dhammananda

AHappyMarriedLife.pdfA Happy Married Life - A Buddhist Perspective9442 viewsA good marriage should grow and develop gradually from understanding and not impulse, from true loyalty and not just sheer indulgence. A marriage is a partnership of equality, gentleness, generosity, calm and dedication. Each is complementary to the other; giving strength and moral courage to each other; supporting and appreciating the other in caring and providing for the family.

buddhistway.pdfThe Buddhist Way6433 viewsDr K. Sri Dhammananda explains some Buddhist cultural practices: Going for Refuges, Religious Rites, Alms Giving, Marriage, Buddhist Education and Cultural Practices, Images, Holy Water, Holy Thread, Talismans and Amulets, Blessing Services for Children, Death, Post Mortem, Funerals, Burial and Cremation, Disposal of the Ashes, Period of Mourning, Post-Funeral Rites and Memorial Services.

budrelig.pdfBuddhism as a Religion4945 viewsThe contents of this popular publication are a simple exposition of Buddhism as a modern way of life. This highly qualified Sri Lankan Buddhist scholar has a special gift of interpreting the Buddha's Teachings for people from every walk of life. His whole approach to the exposition of the Dhamma is governed by his deep concern for giving the ancient teachings a contemporary relevance, and has a meaning that cuts across the boundaries of time, space, race, culture and even religious beliefs.

futurebuddhism.pdfBuddhism for the Future3547 viewsSome of the topics Dr K. Sri Dhammananda addresses here are: Buddhism as a Force Against War; Unity in Buddhist Schools of Thought; Ecumenism, Role of the Sangha, The Bhikkhuni Order, Proselytization, Buddhist Values, The Third Millennium, The Lay Person, Social Concerns.

now_know.pdfNow is the Knowing4061 viewsThis small book represents the wish of some of those fortunate enough to have received Dhamma teachings from Venerable Ajahn Sumedho to share them with others. The first section describes what taking the Three Refuges in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha means; and the second section is composed of passages from three or four different talks on the subject of Mindfulness of Breathing. Lastly, the book discusses happiness, unhappiness and Nibanna.

ThePurposeofLife.pdfThe Purpose of Life and Other Teachings6927 viewsThis book gives very clear, practical and direct advice to those who seek to achieve an understanding of their life on earth, and how to lead a noble and peaceful life amidst the confusion, murkiness, materialism and strong craving that this age heralds. Ven. Dhammananda shows us the real nature of worldly life, giving us a correct understanding of life as it is and puts worldly pleasures into its right perspective.

whatbelieve.pdfWhat Buddhists Believe6561 viewsThis expanded 4th edition of What Buddhists Believe answers many questions which are asked about Buddhism by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. There are so many misconceptions regarding superstitions and misinterpretations which are associated with this noble religion that it has become imperative to explain the Teachings in a manner which has contemporary relevance.