Abhidhamma Enquiry - Ayasma Aggacitta

11_Abhidhamma.mp3Was Siddhattha Gotama a prince?621 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.

12_Abhidhamma.mp3Is it possible nowadays for a lay person to become a sotapanna?603 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.

13_Abhidhamma.mp3Why is non-human existence not recollected in past life regression?562 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.

14_Abhidhamma.mp3Should one study Abhidhamma before meditating or vice versa?562 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.

15_Abhidhamma.mp3Can concentration be developed by following the movement of the abdomen or the breath?617 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.