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01Practicing_Vipassana.pdfPracticing Vipassana Meditation5306 viewsMany people all over the world are now practicing the Buddhist meditation known as Vipassana or Insight Meditation. Western psychotherapies have taken it up as ‘mindfulness’ as well as ordinary people who have found it beneficial in coping with the stresses and strains of modern life. While many are increasingly taking time out to attend retreats in Vipassana meditation centres. So this series of text will take you the basic practice.

01_Introduction.mp3(1) Introduction6832 viewsThis series of audio files are from Ven. Pannyavaro's book: "The Vipassana Retreat". Pannyavaro is the resident monk and teacher at the Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery,Tullera, NSW Australia. This is the introduction to the Vipassana Retreat, which describes the supportive conditions of a retreat centre, etc.

02_Orientation-to-practice.mp3(2) Orientation to the Practice3146 viewsOrientation to the Practice of Vipassana Meditation is guidance on how to adjust to and conduct oneself in a retreat environment.

03_Framework-for-practice.mp3(3) Framework for the Practice2802 viewsThe Framework for the Practice is based on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta): Body, Feelings, Mind States, and Mind Objects.

04_Basic-instructions.mp3(4) The Basic Instructions3084 viewsThe Basic Instructions are given in four areas of practice: formal sitting, awareness of movement in walking, and clear comprehension during ones daily activities.

05Guidelines_for_the_Practice.pdfGuidelines for the Practice2946 viewsNow that you have been give the basic instructions and are doing the exercises to develop the practice, it is necessary to have an overview and a framework of
the practice to guide you. In order to do this, we need to go back to the source material of the Buddha’s set of instructions on Vipassana meditation: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

05_Working-with-thinking-pain.mp3(5) Working with Thinking and Pain2607 viewsWorking with Thinking and Pain in meditation, explains how to relate to pain and the ability to handle the "Thinking Mind" skilfully.

06Questions-and-Responses_.pdfQuestions and Responses2470 viewsThere are three areas of difficulties that most meditators experience when first doing the practice: incessant thinking, disinclination or inability to handle pain, and sleepiness. In addition to the explanation to the difficulties facing meditators, here are some commonly asked questions – often on practical issues - by new students, and my responses to them. I hope they can help to clarify and elaborate on the practice as a standardised set of instructions is usually given to beginners, which needs then to be explained further to the individual meditator as they practice.

06_Minds-latent-tendencies.mp3(6) The Mind's Latent Tendencies2296 viewsHere we are dealing with the mind's unwholesome predispositions and how to work with them from the point of view of meditation practices, epsecially Vipassana meditation.

07_Clearly-knowing-daily-activities.mp3(7) Clearly Knowing Daily Activities2192 viewsClearly Knowing Daily Activities requires one to have full knowledge of what one is doing as one is doing it - i.e. having present moment awareness.