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Image search results - "Merits"
ksitigarbha.pdfSutra on Ksitigarbha Bodhisatta4867 viewsSutra on the Original Vows and the Attainment of Merits of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, translated from Chinese into English by Ms Pitt Chin Hui, President of the Singapore Regional Centre of the World Fellowship of Buddhist.
meritsutra.pdfSutra on the Merits of the Master of Healing3858 viewsSutra on the Merits of the Fundamental Vows of the Master of Healing, The Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata; Sutra of the Sacred Formula of the Binding Vows of the Twelve Deva Generals to Enrich All Sentient Beings; Sutra of Tearing Away All Karma Veils. From the Chinese version of the Tripitaka Master Hsuan-tsang (T'ang, 650 C.E.) T. XIV, 450.
mstrhealing.pdfThe Sutra of the Master of Healing3750 viewsTranslated into Chinese from Sanskrit by Master Hsuan Tsang; Translated into English from the Chinese. This version by Professor Chow Su-Chia Ph.D., and revised by Upasaka Shen Shou-Liang.
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