Image search results - "Purification" |

bm7insight.pdfSeven Stages of Purification and Insight Knowledges7622 viewsThe seven stages of purification provide the framework for the practising disciple?s gradual progress from the cultivation of virtue up to the attainment of the final goal. Integral to the higher stages of purification are the nine types of insight-knowledge, by which the disciple breaks through the delusions covering his mental vision and penetrates through to the real nature of phenomena.

M11_PurificationofMind1.mp3Purification of Mind (Part 1)1272 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Purification of Mind (Part 1)
(46 mins)

M12_PurificationofMind2.mp3Purification of Mind (Part 2)1066 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Purification of Mind (Part 2)
(25 mins)