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10_ways_of_making_merit.pdfTen Ways of Making Merit4193 viewsThe Buddha taught that merit-making is a formidable antidote to overcome the many vicissitudes faced in our day-to-day lives. Hence He declared: ‘Do not fear merit-making. “Merit-making” is a term denoting happiness, what is desirable, pleasant, dear and charming. For I recall in my mind very well that after making merit for a long time, I experienced desirable, pleasant, dear and charming results for a long time. Let therefore a man train himself in merit-making that yields long-lasting happiness. Let him cultivate the practice of giving, virtuous conduct and a mind of metta. By cultivating these qualities the wise man arrives in untroubled and happy states.
bl109.pdfPositive Response - How to Meet Evil With Good2332 viewsThis booklet contains a collection of short suttas spoken by the Buddha and a passage from the Visuddhimagga, each preceded by a brief introduction by the translator. The unifying theme of these pieces may be called a positive response in dealing with provocative people and situations. The texts set forth practical techniques taught by the Buddha for overcoming resentment, hatred and other such pollutants, and for cultivating such elevating mental qualities as good will, amity and compassion. For anyone intent on spiritual development these practical instructions will help to cleanse the mind and to unfold its great hidden potentials.
bps-essay_39.pdfLifestyles and Spiritual Progress1813 viewsNew comers to Buddhism often ask whether a person’s lifestyle has any special bearing on their ability to progress along the Buddha’s path, and in particular whether the Buddha had a compelling reason for establishing a monastic order governed by guidelines quite different from those that hold sway over the lay Buddhist community. If we suspend concern for questions of status and superiority and simply consider the two modes of life in their ideal expression, the conclusion would have to follow that the monastic life, lived in the way envisioned by the Buddha, is the one that conduces more effectively to the final goal.
craft.pdfThe Craft of the Heart, by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo1783 viewsThis book, Ajaan Lee’s first, is like a catalog. In it, he gives the full range of his teachings on the practice of the Buddha’s craft, from the observance of the five precepts to the attainment of total liberation. Thus the different parts are written for different people at different stages in the practice, and the reader is advised to read, not judgmentally, but judiciously - taking whatever is useful for his or her own practice, and leaving the rest for others.
ctp_book-2up_v1.pdfClearing the Path2502 viewsNOTE: The primary book version was made for printing as a book so it was not optimised for onscreen viewing or personal printout. This version 2upbookctpv1.PDF has been reprinted (Distilled) via Acrobat so that there are now 2 pages per A4 page in Landscape orientation (rather than usual Portrait orientation) so as to make personal printouts for reading much easier. The same effect could be obtained by using the original CtPbookv1.pdf and printing that via your desktop printer driver so as to have 2 pages per page (if possible).
ctp_book_v1.pdfClearing the Path2008 viewsNOTE: Primarily the PDF CtPbookV1.pdf is made to be printed as a book. Other versions of this PDF are modified to be better viewed on screen - whilst another is already pre-printed in PDF format as a 2-up meaning that there are 2 pages per A4 Landscape oriented page to make for easier printout (on A4 paper) for personal use.
ctp_screen-view-v1.pdfClearing the Path2145 viewsNOTE: There are 3 versions of Clearing the Path. This version is made for screen viewing and is very similar to the book version. However it is not designed to be printed because the pages are not a standard size (the pages have been cropped for easier screen viewing). It cannot be expected that this material, which poses a clear challenge to the mainstream version of Buddhism, will gain any great popularity among the majority of Buddhists - Eastern or Western - but at least it can suggest an alternative approach to the Buddha's original Teaching, and perhaps serve as a useful eye-opener for those seeking an understanding of its more fundamental principles.
dhamma-nibbana.pdfPractising Dhamma with a View to Nibbana2452 viewsRadhika Abeysekera began teaching and writing books on the Dhamma to help reintroduce Buddhism to immigrants in non-Buddhist countries. The books are designed in such a manner that a parent or educator can use them to teach Buddhism to a child. Mrs. Abeysekera feels strongly that parents should first study and practise the Dhamma to the best of their ability to obtain maximum benefits, because what you do not possess you cannot give to your child. The books were also designed to foster understanding of the Dhamma among non-Buddhists, so that there can be peace and harmony through understanding and respect for the philosophies and faiths of others.
dietolive.pdfDying to Live2515 viewsThere are different views and beliefs about what happens after death. Tibetan (Vajrayana) and Chinese (Mahayana) Buddhists believe that after death, the spirit of the dead person passes through an intermediate period (bardo in Tibetan, zhong yin in Mandarin)- which may last for as long as forty-nine days - during which it undergoes a series of unearthly, extraordinary experiences, including a "small death" at the end of each week, before it is finally reborn into another realm of existence. In contrast, orthodox Theravada Buddhism, which is the earliest extant record of Gotama Buddha's teaching, asserts that rebirth takes place immediately after death.
essentialsof.pdfEssentials of Buddhism3719 viewsIt is based on the Theravada Buddhism syllabus of the Postgraduate Diploma Examination in Buddhist Studies course of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. Since the work is meant for students, every chapter appears as a unit by itself and is confined to a few pages. Ven. Ganarama is the Principal of the Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore.
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