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budartthai2.pdfBuddhist Arts in Thailand4295 viewsThis is a study of the development of Art and Architecture in Thailand with Buddhism. The Culture of Thailand has two important sources of origin: indigenous and foreign. The indigenous source comes directly from the ideas and inspiration of the people while the foreign sources came through its cultural contact with other great civilised nations such as India and China. In the field of art, it mainly deals with religions such as Buddhism and the cultural and artistic relationship with India, and other countries. Thai art served religion, which formed the national ideal and conception of life.
icon_nepbud.pdfThe Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism3114 viewsThis is an illustrated version of the Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism.
icon_nepbud_txt.pdfThe Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism (Text version)2271 viewsNepal has a time-honoured tradition of art and culture embedded with Buddhism. In fact, the artistic tradition of Nepalese people is instrumental in elevating the status of Nepal in the world. In the past Nepalese artists produced many excellent images and were sent to Tibet, China, Japan and Mongolia. The purpose of this monograph is to provide some facts, materials and information on Buddhist Iconography gathered through extensive study of canonical texts relating to Vajrayana Buddhism.
life_of_tha_buddha.pdfLife of the Buddha in Gandhara Art1665 viewsThe tradition of Grandhara Art is the birthplace of many strands of Buddhist art and sculpture. Historically, it is in the Gandhara tradition – now in what is Pakistan - that the Buddha came to be represented first as a person. Prior to this, the Enlightened Buddha was symbolized in art and sculpture either through foot-prints or through a stylized Bodhi Tree. The personal representations of the Buddha originated probably through the inspiration derived from the Hellenistic tradition. In numerous bas-reliefs and friezes, phases of the Buddha’s life are elaborately depicted.
thai_cambodian_art.pdfThai-Cambodian Culture - Relationship through Arts1315 viewsThailand and Cambodia are very close neighbours with common borders and cultural relations. The Thai people received and adopted some arts and culture from ancient Cambodia. The pre-Thai scripts and spoken words were adopted from Khmer native language. The development of Cambodian arts can be seen in the Thai art of the Lopburi period (11th to 15th century A.D.) It was occupied by the Khmers and as such the art of this period is known locally as Khmer art which deals with Mahayana elements.
The_Anscestral_Stupas_of_Shwedagon.pdfThe Ancestral Stupas of the Shwedagon Pagoda2509 viewsThe Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon is the unique landmark Pagoda of the country of Myanmar. This paper tries to present the evolution of the Stupa types from the very earlier time in India to the Gupta period (3rd-7th century A.D.) through Maurya, Sunga, Gandhara and Andhra dynasties, from the North-west frontier to the south of India; and then it continues to the evolution in early Myanmar through Pyu, Bagan and Hansawady Mon dynasties up to the existing Shwedagon Pagoda's architectural style, lastly renovated by the Mon queen Shin saw pu and king Dhamasedi, which went up to the height of 302 feet, until the summit of the golden umbrella was added by king Mindon of Mandalay in the early 19th century.
Understanding_the_Chinese_Buddhist_Temple.pdfUnderstanding the Chinese Buddhist Temple3558 viewsThis book is a collection of annotated photos taken in 2009 and 2010 at Ching Kwok Chinese Buddhist Temple, located in Toronto, Ontario. The significant contribution of “Understanding the Chinese Buddhist Temple” is to reveal the key concepts embedded within the numerous objects common to Chinese Buddhist shrines, as well as the layout of the temple, in an engaging manner that combines photographic representations with explanations. The book is suitable for anyone interested in Chinese Buddhism and culture.
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